Austin Slate And Limestone Cleaning
Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is extremely sensitive to harsh cleaning methods with acids and other chemicals. The stone itself can be honed for a smooth finish or polished for a high gloss finish. As with other natural stones, limestone needs sealing to keep from getting stained. Between regularly scheduled maintenance,a soft clot or mop can be used to keep the surface clean and free of debris. At least once every few years, your surfaces will require professional Austin limestone cleaning and sealing to keep them protected and looking their best. The Steam Team is the trusted source for limestone cleaning and protection in Austin.
Slate Cleaning And Sealing
Whether it’s flooring, patios, interior accents, or exterior accents, slate can create a one-of-a-kind environment. Slate is naturally slip-resistant, stain-resistant and non-absorbent. Like all natural stones, proper care and maintenance are critical in keeping your slate looking its best. Slate is a versatile stone which can be left rough, honed smooth, or polished to a shine. Sealing slate helps protect your stone from scratches and regular wear. If you are looking to deepen the color of your slate without losing the rough, layered texture, ask us about using an enhancing or topical sealer.