Austin Tile And Natural Stone

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Have You Cleaned Your Dryer Vents?

It may be that time again… time to clean your dryer vents! If your dryer isn’t working as efficiently anymore, it may be time to check them out. Dirty, dusty dryer vents can pose a serious threat to the safety of you and your home, so it’s important to have them looked at by a professional from time to time! This is when The Steam Team comes in! We have several years of experience taking care of dryer vents; you can definitely rely on us. 

The Dangers of Dirty Dryer Vents

Sometimes, cleaning the lint tray isn’t enough. Have you noticed that your dryer isn’t drying your laundry has efficiently as it once was? When your dryer vents become clogged with dirt, dust, and lint, the most serious threat you face is a house fire. You certainly don’t want this to happen, so if you suspect your vents need a professional’s attention, contact The Steam Team immediately! 

How The Steam Team Can Help 

Our technicians have plenty of experience in cleaning out dryer vents, and can certainly come out to your home and help out! In addition to all of our experience, we have the right tools and equipment for the job; that means we have the most powerful dryer vent cleaning equipment out there! We’ll inspect your dryer vents, clear them of debris, and be on our way! You won’t even have to lift a finger.  

Choosing The Steam Team

When it comes to your home, we understand that it matters who you choose to come out and take care of it. We want you to now that you can fully trust The Steam Team to get the job done correctly the first time. So go ahead; give us a call today! You know your dryer vents are in need of some professional attention! We also can handle tile cleaning, rug cleaning and water damage.